About 8 years ago

01/27/2016 - Food For Thought: 1/27/2016

Liberals Turn to Cities to Pass Laws and Spread Ideas

– The New York Times

This New York Times piece explores what we’ve all known for a while; That policy-making momentum (paid leave, scheduling, and minimum wage) has moved from DC and state capitols to the local level. Municipalities across the country are the new battleground.


Beware: Walmart’s Raises Are Not a Victory

– Bloomberg News

Although it appears Walmart has increased wages due to a number of internal and external factors, a deeper look reveals the business decision behind the increase and why employees are not necessarily better off for it.


An Upbeat Economic Story

– The Washington Post

The Economic Policy Institue has released a new study documenting that African Americans made the most notable employment gains during 2015.


The Bloomberg View

– The Wall Street Journal 

The last third party candidate to win the presidency was Abraham Lincoln. A century and a half later, could this tumultuous election cycle open the door for a legitimate third party run? Micheal Bloomberg sees an opportunity.