About 4 years ago

10/22/2019 - Basic Income Can’t Do Enough To Help Workers Displaced By Technology

– Vox
Basic income can end poverty, but it can’t save truckers from being replaced by driverless trucks.
– The New York Times
For many young, progressive Americans, democratic socialism is a far better representation of their ambitions of far-reaching structural change across the economy and society than the agenda of the Democratic Party, which they see as overly influenced by corporate interests, big-money donors and moderate traditionalists.
– Coachella Valley Independent
Julie Su wants the world’s fifth-largest economy to remain a global juggernaut. To do so, California’s labor secretary acknowledges, the state will need to position its workforce for the jobs of the future – a catchall term that encompasses not only the promise of innovation, but also the dystopian threat of increased income disparity.
– Bloomberg
A British government report has suggested banning snacks on public transport as one solution to mitigate childhood obesity.