About 7 years ago

03/14/2017 - Midnight Reads – How Hard Is Your Server Working To Earn Minimum Wage?

How Hard Is Your Server Working To Earn Minimum Wage?

– FiveThirtyEight

FiveThirtyEight provides an interactive statistical model that demonstrates how many tables a waiter must turn in order to earn above the minimum wage rate. The model can be adjusted by state, tip amount and is broken down by four publicly-traded companies to represent different industry segments.


The Most Underrated Story About the U.S. Economy

– The Atlantic 

In a remarkable reversal, annual wage growth has been greater (as a percent) for the poor than for the rich in the last few years. While minimum wage increases may account for some of the effect, a tight labor market is a key driver. What nobody can say, however, is whether this happy trend is durable.


How AI Is Transforming the Workplace

– The Wall Street Journal

The same technology that enables a navigation app to find the most efficient route to your destination or lets an online store recommend products based on past purchases is on the verge of transforming the office-promising to remake how we look for job candidates, get the most out of workers and keep our best workers on the job. Still, the same data-analysis technology that promises to make managers more effective also sweeps them into uncharted territory.
The Fight For $15 Is A Fight for Power: What Corporations Really Stand to Lose When Minimum Wage Increases

– Salon 

Salon highlights an excerpt from “Beyond $15: Immigrant Workers, Faith Activists, and the Revival of the Labor Movement” by Jonathan Rosenblum, a book that depicts how activists in Washington state progressed their agenda via ballot initiatives among other tactics.