About 6 years ago

11/28/2017 - Midnight Reads – Will a Corporate Tax Cut Lift Worker Pay? A Union Wants It in Writing

Will a Corporate Tax Cut Lift Worker Pay? A Union Wants It in Writing

– The New York Times 

At the heart of the Republican tax plan hurtling through Congress is an implicit promise that cutting corporate taxes will lift the middle class through higher wages and more jobs. Yet few American companies have offered specific plans that support those promises. While many chief executives broadly praise Republicans’ efforts to cut taxes, few have detailed how they would deploy the savings from a corporate tax cut or put more money back in workers’ pockets.
It’s Not Just Google And Tesla: Walmart Is Quietly Testing a Self-Driving Vehicle, But This One Scrubs Floors

– LinkedIn

Walmart has quietly begun testing an advanced, autonomous floor scrubber during overnight shifts in five stores near the company’s headquarters in Bentonville, Ark., a move that could free workers from hours of drudgery, but that has already raised alarm among some employees. As the U.S.’s largest private-sector employer, Walmart is watched carefully for any shifts it makes to its workplace.


Forecasters Predict Nafta Withdrawal Would Slow U.S. Growth

– The Wall Street Journal 

The probability of a U.S. withdrawal from the North American Free Trade Agreement is roughly 1 in 4, according to private-sector forecasters, who said such a move would likely weigh on economic growth. Some 82% of economists surveyed this month by The Wall Street Journal said if the U.S. does withdraw, gross domestic product would grow at a weaker rate over the subsequent two years than it would have been otherwise. An additional 7% said the economy would weaken so much that it would enter a recession.
Increased Number of Workers Calling Sick When They Aren’t, Finds CareerBuilder’s Annual Survey

– Career Builder 

A new report by the job website CareerBuilder found that 40 percent of workers took a sick day during the last year when they weren’t really sick. That’s up from 35 percent last year.