About 5 years ago

12/21/2018 - The Shrinking Middle Class: By The Numbers

– Fortune
This divergence coincided with a shift in economic gravity, away from manufacturing and toward services and “knowledge industries.”
 The Wall Street Journal
With billion-dollar startups from Uber to Airbnb likely to go public in 2019, experts debate how – and whether – we should regulate the smartest guys in the room

Study: When Leaders Take Sexual Harassment Seriously, So Do Employees

– Harvard Business Review
From the Harvard Business Journal: “Business leaders want to do better. The high costs of sexual harassment are evident, from employee outrage to the loss of worker productivity and employee attrition. One study estimated that for each employee who was sexually harassed, the company lost an average of $22,500 in costs associated with just lost productivity. Yet, solutions are hard to come by.”
– Washington Examiner
The opinion piece in The Washington Examiner views the broadened joint employer standard as a detrimental move that poses a major risk to the economy and the workforce.