About 8 years ago

01/05/2016 - Food For Thought: 1/5/2016

– Washington Post

According to new research from the Pew Research Center, both upper and lower income households are growing at the expense of the middle class.


How Business Got Schooled

– Fortune

The business community, led by prominent CEO’s, has long advocated Common Core as a way to strengthen America’s education system. Their agenda has been dismantled by the Tea Party conservatives, yet another example of how the business community has lost influence within the Republican establishment.


General Motors, Gazing at Future, Invests $500 Million in Lyft

– New York Times

Traditional economy meets sharing economy, is this a look at the future of transportation? Even more important, it’s another example of how traditional employers are investing in sharing economy companies to hedge against future challenges. Food for thought… will service economy companies be making the same kinds of strategic decisions in the future?


Pitchfork Politics

– The Economist

For students of history, the Trump campaign isn’t novel at all. From Huey Long to Joseph McCarthy to Patrick Buchanan, populism has never gone out of style.