About 7 years ago

08/04/2017 - Midnight Reads – 3 Issues That Worry State and Local Leaders

3 Issues That Worry State and Local Leaders

– Governing 

The latest news about weakening state revenues, federal tax-reform proposals that target the deduction for state and local taxes, and shifting demographics in the public workforce is giving a lot of state and local government leaders a headache. But the good news is that, rather than relying on analgesics, thoughtful public leaders are engaging in plenty of dialogue about these issues while keeping a focus on priorities and how to adapt to a challenging future.


Another Economic Reality: Single, Rational Test Needed for Who Is An ‘Employer’

– Forbes 

The legal definition of “employer” is critical because employers are responsible for compliance with federal and state labor laws and can be held vicariously liable for the actions of their employees. It is most relevant, and controversial, in situations where businesses outsource or subcontract certain work responsibilities, and in franchise arrangements. Too broad a definition of employer could force businesses that outsource, subcontract, or franchise to act as “joint employers” for employees of entirely separate businesses.


Trump Stumbles Are Undercutting Executive Power, Which May Be Healthy for America Long-Term

– The Washington Post 

The White House has accumulated vastly more power than the men who wrote the Constitution intended, and one unintended consequence of the Trump presidency may be a long-term rebalancing between the three branches of the federal government. The Washington Post explores this opinion here.


Struggling Americans Once Sought Greener Pastures, and Now They’re Stuck

– MSN Money

The share of Americans moving across county and state lines to pursue work has plummeted. In rural areas, for example, 4.1 percent of people moved across a county line in 2015. The rate was 7.7 percent in the late 1970s. This drop in mobility is not only keeping rural residents from climbing a ladder to better livelihoods, it is choking off the labor supply for employers in areas where jobs are plentiful.