About 7 years ago

09/08/2017 - Midnight Reads – Forget Wall Street — Silicon Valley Is the New Political Power in Washington

Forget Wall Street — Silicon Valley Is the New Political Power in Washington

– The Guardian

It used to be banks, but now it is tech giants that dominate the US lobbying industry. Can money buy them what they want: less competition, less tax … and more data?


Silicon Valley’s Politics: Liberal, With One Big Exception

– The New York Times 

The New York Times contends that technology companies are unrepentantly liberal on most issues. They oppose restrictions on abortion, favor gay rights, support gun control and oppose the death penalty. Now for the twist. A study found one area where tech entrepreneurs strongly deviate from Democratic orthodoxy and are closer to most Republicans: They are deeply suspicious of the government’s efforts to regulate business, especially when it comes to labor.


Why Preventing Disruption in 2017 Is Harder Than It Was When Christensen Coined the Term

– The Harvard Business Review 

The Harvard Business Review looks at why “disruptive” advances to our economy are growing more disruptive than in past decades. If CEOs know disruption has always existed and is now evermore on the horizon, they must be quicker to adapt.


A New Type of Labor Law for a New Type of Worker

– The New York Times 

Does the National Labor Relations Act need to be updated for the modern era? The New York Times editorial page thinks so.