About 7 years ago

03/20/2017 - Midnight Reads – Sharing Economy Giants Are Using Data to Build “The Taking Economy,” Study Warns

Sharing Economy Giants Are Using Data to Build “The Taking Economy,” Study Warns

– Fast Company 

A new study argues that state, local, and federal regulators have struggled to keep up with the on-demand economy’s rapidly shifting business models, algorithms, and indirect effects on the places they operate and the people they serve. In turn, these companies are gaining unfair and opaque leverage over consumers due to their large-scale data collection. In some instances, such as Uber’s Greyball program, companies may be deliberately misleading regulators.


Amazon Is Going to Kill More American Jobs Than China Did

– Market Watch 

As many legacy retail brands downsize and shutter locations, Amazon is staffing up. This trend has profound long term impacts for the American economy. For the consumer, Amazon has brought lower prices and unimaginable convenience. But for retail workers, Amazon is a grave threat.


Great Expectations: How Changing Consumer Expectations Are Impacting the Hospitality Industry

– Modern Restaurant Management 

The restaurant industry is increasingly tied to consumer preferences and expectations – both of which can and do continue to change over time. Today, three of the most prominent and important consumer trends in the F&B space are a growing preference for authenticity, a desire for more personalization, and unique, one-of-a-kind experiences across the board.


The Food Industry Will Be the First to Feel the Pain of President Donald Trump’s Immigration Policies

– The Wall Street Journal

The first impact of President Donald Trump’s changes to U.S. immigration policy will fall on businesses that grow, process or sell food. Recent history shows that labor shortages could drive up prices and labor costs, and hurt profits. For a hint of what’s to come the WSJ presents an immigration law put into place by Georgia in mid-2011 as an instructive precursor.