About 7 years ago

02/24/2017 - Midnight Reads – How Trump Might Become a Workplace Disrupter

How Trump Might Become a Workplace Disrupter
– The New York Times
The New York Times asked more than two dozen labor thinkers (from both the right and left; former officials and government skeptics; union leaders and strident capitalists) a question: what kinds of federal innovations could remake American working life? In general, and surprisingly, there is broad enthusiasm about the future of American work, even as there are sharp disagreements about whether this president’s policies will help or hurt workers.

Soda Companies, Supermarkets Report 30-50 Pct. Sales Drop from Soda Tax
– The Philadelphia Inquirer
The Philadelphia Inquirer looks at the evolution of Philadelphia’s soda fight. Two months into the sweetened-beverage tax, supermarkets and distributors are reporting a 30 percent to 50 percent drop in beverage sales and some say they are planning for layoffs. The City of Philadelphia is questioning the legitimacy of the early figures and predicting that customers responding to the initial sticker shock by shopping outside the city would return.

Why Trump’s Immigration Crackdown Could Sink U.S. Home Prices
– Bloomberg
Bloomberg explores how President Donald Trump’s immigration policies could threaten to crack a foundation of the American economy: the residential real estate market. Legal and otherwise, immigrants, long a pillar of growth in home buying, are no longer feeling the warm welcome and optimism necessary for their biggest purchase.

The Cognitive Bias President Trump Understands Better Than You
– Wired
The human psyche, it seems, is predisposed to take an aberration and conflate it with the norm. (Example: You may fear swimming in the ocean lest you get attacked by a shark, despite shark attacks being far less common than, say, death by coconut, because when something is memorable, it tends to be the thing you think of first.) This so-called “cognitive bias” itself isn’t new. But, in a media environment driven by clicks, where politicians can bypass journalistic filters entirely to deliver themselves straight to citizens, it’s newly exploitable.