About 5 years ago

08/13/2019 - Why SoulCycle And Equinox Could Be Especially Vulnerable To Boycotts

– The Washington Post
Leaders of many companies believe that marketing themselves in similarly “prosocial” ways will insulate them from criticism, McDonnell and King write: “Proactive social responsibility is thought to deter activists from opportunistically launching campaigns against a company.”
– Bloomberg
Meat could be a target for higher taxes given criticism of the industry’s role in climate change, deforestation and animal cruelty, according to a report by Fitch Solutions Macro Research.
– Forbes
According to QSR Magazine’s annual drive-thru study, last year’s speed-of-service averaged 234 seconds. This is compared to 225 seconds in 2017 and 190 seconds in 2003.
– The Wall Street Journal
“Technological innovation should be embraced,” notes a recent report from the Aspen Institute, a public policy and research organization in Washington. “Automation has been a largely positive economic and social force, and looking forward, automation will be necessary to feed, house, and raise the living standards of a growing and aging population.”