About 5 years ago

01/17/2019 - What If Cities Are No Longer The Land Of Opportunity For Low-Skilled Workers?

– The New York Times
Dense cities have long promised higher wages, but now that is primarily true for workers with more education, a new analysis finds.
 CBS News
The legal minimum wage for New York City employers with 11 or more workers rose more than 15 percent on Dec. 31, 2018, to $15/hr from $13, giving fast-food, retail and other employees a bump in pay. But some New York City restaurant owners say the latest minimum wage hike is forcing them to cut workers’ hours just to stay afloat.

Wall Street Braces For Leftward Lurch Of Key House Committee

– The Washington Post
At a minimum, the new regime should generate headline headaches for the industry and make for some uncomfortable moments for top executives under the committee’s hot lights.
– Forbes
With retailers hopping on the cashier-less bandwagon in an effort to attract time-crunched shoppers, Amazon Go, the tech giant’s convenience store concept, looks to be well poised to capitalize on the trend, with sizable growth potential and appeal.