About 7 years ago

02/06/2017 - Midnight Reads – Trump’s Blue-Collar Populism Is Dividing Unions

Trump’s Blue-Collar Populism Is Dividing Unions
– Bloomberg
While union’s leadership overwhelming supported Clinton, Trump continues to speak directly to union households, putting union bosses in a tough spot and threatening the future of the labor movement.

Skilled Workers Are Scarce in Tight Labor Market
– The Wall Street Journal
Small U.S. employers have complained that it’s difficult to find the right workers. Now, with unemployment near its lowest in nine years, they are doing more of the difficult work of training them. The WSJ reports that nearly two-thirds of small businesses are spending more time training workers than they were a year ago.

Blame Technology, Not Longer Life Spans, For Health Spending Increases
– The New York Times
American life spans are rising, and as they are, health care spending is too. But longevity is not contributing to the spending increase as much as you might think. The real culprit of increased spending? Technology.

France Bans Free Soda Refills in Attack on Obesity
– The New York Times
In 2004, France banned vending machines from schools. In 2011, it limited servings of french fries to once a week in school cafeterias. A year later, it imposed a “soda tax.” On Friday, the government said no restaurants can offer free refills of sodas and other sugary drinks. The new regulation is the latest attempt to tackle what the government called a relentless rise in the national obesity rate. Fast-food restaurants, usually foreign chains, are expected to be targeted under the new law.