About 5 years ago

11/28/2018 - Paid Family Leave Will Support Working Families

– National Review
Former Republican Senator Rick Santorum makes the case for Republicans to embrace a federal paid leave program. Santorum argues that the party should “focus squarely on working families.”
Virtually all the jobs created in the past decade have occurred in a handful of U.S. cities, and business creation is at a 30-year low. POLITICO convened a bipartisan group of business leaders, thinkers and policymakers to explore the problem and identify solutions that have a realistic path forward in today’s political environment.

For The American Economy, Storm Clouds On The Horizon

– The New York Times
Emerging signs of weakness in major economic sectors, including auto manufacturing, agriculture and home building, are prompting some forecasters to warn that one of the longest periods of economic growth in American history may be approaching the end of its run.
– The Washington Post
More employers are using text messaging when recruiting to attract attention in a tight labor market.