About 5 years ago

05/13/2019 - Tight U.S. Job Market Squeezes Smallest Businesses The Most

– The Wall Street Journal
Small-business owners find lawn signs, higher pay and ping-pong tables aren’t enough to lure qualified workers.
 Bloomberg Law
Two-plus years into the Trump administration, labor unions are more often choosing to forego one of the primary tools they use to push back against companies they feel are mistreating workers or failing to bargain in good faith.
– The Washington Post
Amazon is being accused of religious discrimination and retaliation by three Muslim workers in Minnesota who say the tech giant denied them time and space to pray and routinely assigned them less favorable work than their white counterparts, according to a federal complaint filed last week.
– The Wall Street Journal
Most House Democrats support raising hourly pay, but some say wages should go up more slowly in low-cost states.